Contractor Solutions


The Rise of NextGen Restoration

Founded in 2015, NextGen Restoration has grown from a fledgling business into a beacon for excellence in the roofing industry. This post unfolds the journey of Josh Steinberger and NextGen Restoration—a story that not only inspires but also educates budding entrepreneurs.

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Principales Razones Por Las Que Los Vendedores Reducen Sus Precios

Un estudio sugiere que más del 60% de los vendedores reducirán su precio si el prospecto lo solicita, incluso si el prospecto reconoce que la solución es mejor y vale más. Piénsalo. En nuestro mundo, esto se traduce en que el prospecto te dice que cree que eres la mejor opción y decides darles un descuento de todos modos.

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From neighborly chats to roofing contracts on Nextdoor

By creating a compelling Nextdoor Business Page and actively engaging with your community, you can take your roofing company’s marketing strategy to the next level.

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El Camino de Novare: Una Historia de Resiliencia y Reinvención del Negocio Roofero

El éxito depende de establecer metas sustanciales y medibles, crear una lista de tareas pendientes y tomar acción diaria. Es una fórmula sencilla: un día, un hábito a la vez.

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Asking for Referrals

I’m never surprised to hear when our contractors tell me a large percentage of their business comes from personal recommendations. What does amaze me, however, is the number of them who tell me they don’t have a systematic approach to making referrals a consistent part of their lead generation efforts.

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